Music - connect2

Open hours

Creative Centre Music spaces are open Monday - Sunday 08:00-22:00.

Room & short-term equipment bookings can last for a maximum of 3 hours.

Longer bookings may be available if agreed in advance. Please contact or for further details a minimum of 1 week before your booking.

Equipment must be booked at least 3 days in advance, with the exception of some items stored in Band Rooms (CC215 & 216) and the Percussion Room (CC223) which can be booked at no notice, though to ensure availability, advance booking is highly recommended. 

Contact us

Music Technicans:

Emily Rowan

Cameron Brewes

Andy Farthing

Contact email: 

Music students:

Musical Theatre students: 

Tech office: 



Welcome to the YSJ Music Equipment Booking System!

While we have added the essential and main resources, you may find that not all equipment has been added to this system. If you cannot find a resource that you think should be on this system, please get in touch at